Programming blog posts for RViews and RBloggers

During a conference last year, I was invited to write some blog posts for the RViews and RBloggers communities, highlighting some of the fantastic (new) capabilities of RStudio and replicating some of the graphics I presented at the conference. I am proud to tell you that these blog posts have now been finalized and published, and very happy to share them with you. All code is available on this Github repository.

In the first blog post, I show readers how to build interactive world maps in RShiny, and how to include dynamic input in the resulting dashboard. In this file on my Github, I also show how to include interactive Shiny dashboards in RMarkdown files. The live app is published here.

I also wrote a series of blog posts dedicated to classifying clothing categories from the Zalando Fashion MNIST data using various machine and deep learning methods.

Florianne Verkroost

Florianne Verkroost

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